A new product for the Bacon Obsessed…

Hello!! Miten viikonloppusi sujuu? Life? Internet? level of freezing-ness?

I have a race tomorrow so I only did a four mile shake-out run this morning. I really really love doing my long runs on Saturday mornings so it feels a little weird/disappointing in my tiny black heart when I can’t keep my routine.
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I got A Covid-19 Test
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Mitä syön päivässä – juoksija painos


In other news – this is FROST!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! told you it was cold here.

Breakfast was a whole lotta eggs and ketchup and Sriracha.

Lunch was a big salad, miso soup and 22 drinks. Gotta hydrate!!

When we were in vegas to get sloppy mcslopperson drunk for the RNR Las vegas half Marathon I put the lil clips in my hair that I always use to keep my bangs out of my face. My cousin thought I was being funny because I just like throw them in my hair wherever. She seriously thought I was making a joke because I looked like such a tragedy!! Ha!

Nope. This is just me being a Monican.

Vegas takes the guidelines of pre-race day seriously: Rest, rest rest your legs!

In food news – I found this new Jalapeno Yogurt Dip at Trader Joes. Lalalalove it. It’s NOT spicy at all, but it is very cream cheesy and delicious.

You know I love Sriracha, but I didn’t purchase this new sweet Sriracha Bacon Jerky because I’m the one person on earth who doesn’t want to dive into a pool of bacon happiness.

Question: On a scale from 1 – 10: how much do you like bacon?

1= you choose sausage or fried kale or whatever

10= you would sell your mother for 2 pieces of bacon



Jakaminen on välittämistä!







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