Cute feline not adorable Food

Mid-morning I polished off the grapes I just gotten yesterday(!). At least this time around I washed them.

Since I still have some remnants of the Panamanian flu I’m trying to figure out what precisely made me sick. somebody left a comment stating I must begin washing my fruit. That reminded me that I ate grapes in Panama without washing them. (I likewise drank the water which all the books as well as locals stated was totally safe.)
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Unorthodox book as well as Netflix evaluation


I like to pride myself on having a tummy that I compare to an iron cauldron… Example: In college after I was totally vegan for over 6 months I fell off the wagon as well as had a burger from WhataBurger (a greasy chain). No tummy problems in any way   <- I’ve went veg on as well as off for the last 10 years as well as never had an problem going from eco-friendlies to meats. But, this Panamanian parasite killed my belly! I still don’t feel totally back to typical as well as have periodic headaches as well as upper tummy pain. It’s extremely light now, so I’m hoping it will be totally gone soon. Luckily (???) my hunger hasn’t went away this entire time! I ate the last of my elegant dinner leftovers (only tofu left), pumped up with veggies as well as cashews. I particularly didn’t add rice to that bowl since I desired cereal on the side x2 (or 3)… I understand my eats aren’t the most attractive today, so let me share the cutest thing… Yesterday Ben was on the phone as well as I was blogging when I glanced over as well as saw this: Vegas curled up on his lap with his furry bit paws around Ben. Kuolen. That is some major bromance. Lähetä minulle työkirja Tallentaa Jakaminen on välittämistä! Jaa Tweet Nasta Jaa Posti Jaa keep opting for these: 15 quick Pre Run Snack Ideas 15 quick Pre Run Snack Ideas What to eat before you run as well as When to eat. 15 quick pre run snack concepts for new runners as well as training for a half marathon golden Retriever Won't Take His Medicine golden Retriever Won't Take His Medicine golden Retriever won't eat his pills. tried to put his medicine in a hot dog, poultry as well as he knew! He won't even eat the Potato as well as Chorizo Tacos Recipe Potato as well as Chorizo Tacos Recipe simple potato as well as chorizo tacos for runners vegetarian recipe. Lighter version of my Mexican traditional chorizo. Runner recip simple Scalloped Potatoes with Broccoli Recipe simple Scalloped Potatoes with Broccoli Recipe simple Scalloped Potatoes with Broccoli light recipe swaps. Veggie packed household friendly side meal potluck recipe Gorton’s Shrimp Bowls-New total Frozen Meals Gorton’s Shrimp Bowls-New total Frozen Meals Gorton's Shrimp Bowls new Frozen meals - thoughts on the Shrimp Soba Noodle bowl as well as Creamy Mushroom Risotto bowl. HealtViimeinen kuin kirje kissan Vegasille ... Viimeinen kuin kirje kissan Vegasille ... Sanotaan hyvästit kissan nimeltä Vegas. Valokuvat sekä blogiartikkelit, jotka ovat pääosissa haluamani oranssi kissa, harjoittelija, kämppikseni ja frie ⚡ Shareaholicilla .

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